What I Think 'Bout Relationships
It would be nice if I saw some respect and gentlemen and women. I mean, love is important. After all there are two very strong emotions, love and hate... And love doesn't mean you are going to take someone to bed with you. There are many things that branch off from love and hate. From love you have: Care, trust, understanding, loyalty, happiness, concern, endearment, adore, admiration. And a number of other things. From hate, you have: Fear, anger, sadness, depression, no trust. And as well as a number of other things. This world needs love, and the relationships in it need a lot of TLC. Remember if you are in any relationship. It can go for every relationship. It is important to have a lot of things and to name a few of those many things. You need;- Communication.
- Trust.
- Understanding.
- Commitment.
- Intimacy (Not through sex.)
- Loyalty.
- Loving oneself.
- Happiness and if it isn't there. Find it together.
I hope you enjoyed my little bit of thought. Please leave a comment if you would or share my thoughts with others. I hope you are not offended. These are simply my own thoughts and beliefs and my own experiences. Thank you.
I wonder how many people are going to read this and follow it. Either for themselves or someone else. Comments are always greatly accepted... I don't think much about relationships nowadays. Reason being... Relationships nowadays are way worse off then they have ever been. You can agree or disagree. This is my own thoughts and opinions.
Relationships nowadays are terrible. I don't pick on one gender or the other. Both are at fault. Males and females don't always know what it is to respect their partner or even someone else. Males and females don't even know how to love themselves or respect themselves. Granted I know society is different and it is change. But how good is this change really?
My mother she's a very old schooled woman. She was born in 47, and grew up in the times when things were simpler. She has given me the greatest advice. But sadly... I can't practice it.
The advice she has given me is to love myself before someone else can love me and due to today's society... Learning and relearning how to love yourself isn't the simplest task in the world.
She has given me more advice than that. Much more. However I can't share all that wisdom with you right now. Although the one piece of advice from above that she gave me. That's one everyone should stick to.
Relationships are equal partnerships. And should involve two people. Not the rest of the world. That's what kills a lot of relationships. Is when other people get involved.
Relationships are not old school like I feel that they should be. What ever happened to the days when the men would walk on the side closest to the road, or the day that men would hold open doors for women. An experience that I have always happens when I go out. Especially to dinner with my family. I'm one to always hold open doors, and when I do I'll see a guy and girl walk up, or I'll see a couple walk up and it is a little obvious that they are a couple. I'll be holding the door for another group of people, most times elderly, and the couple walks in through the door I'm holding open. And I look at the male of the two and I sit there while I'm like "What the hell man?! Hold the door for her."
That is to name a few things. Ladies and gentlemen be sure and treat your lover right. And men, no woman wants to feel abandoned, no woman or lady should be treated like a whore. And ladies, not all the men out there are bad, there are quite a few good ones, and sometimes they just need training. After all, well you'll see.
- Mars Wilson (The Wolf)
Relationships nowadays are terrible. I don't pick on one gender or the other. Both are at fault. Males and females don't always know what it is to respect their partner or even someone else. Males and females don't even know how to love themselves or respect themselves. Granted I know society is different and it is change. But how good is this change really?
My mother she's a very old schooled woman. She was born in 47, and grew up in the times when things were simpler. She has given me the greatest advice. But sadly... I can't practice it.
The advice she has given me is to love myself before someone else can love me and due to today's society... Learning and relearning how to love yourself isn't the simplest task in the world.
She has given me more advice than that. Much more. However I can't share all that wisdom with you right now. Although the one piece of advice from above that she gave me. That's one everyone should stick to.
Relationships are equal partnerships. And should involve two people. Not the rest of the world. That's what kills a lot of relationships. Is when other people get involved.
Relationships are not old school like I feel that they should be. What ever happened to the days when the men would walk on the side closest to the road, or the day that men would hold open doors for women. An experience that I have always happens when I go out. Especially to dinner with my family. I'm one to always hold open doors, and when I do I'll see a guy and girl walk up, or I'll see a couple walk up and it is a little obvious that they are a couple. I'll be holding the door for another group of people, most times elderly, and the couple walks in through the door I'm holding open. And I look at the male of the two and I sit there while I'm like "What the hell man?! Hold the door for her."
That is to name a few things. Ladies and gentlemen be sure and treat your lover right. And men, no woman wants to feel abandoned, no woman or lady should be treated like a whore. And ladies, not all the men out there are bad, there are quite a few good ones, and sometimes they just need training. After all, well you'll see.
- Mars Wilson (The Wolf)
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