What is respect?
I will not put an exact book definition, however respect is a thing that does not seem to be very common in today's society. What is respect? Well, respect is being kind and good to others around you. Respect can go as far as also being kind and good to inanimate things. For example respecting nature; respecting nature by not destroying it. Respect is the idea that even if you dislike someone, or more powerful than that- loathe them. You are still kind to them. That doesn't mean you take them to dinner or have a pleasant conversation with them. That just means you acknowledge they are there and you refrain from making any rude gestures or comments.
Aside from the first paragraph, respect is a valuable and important thing to express. There are quite a lot of ways to express respect. To name a few; being polite to others, saying polite things like "Please" and "Thank you." Accepting and appreciating others differences, trying not to be judgmental and find good in the differences. - Those are a few ways that you can show respect.
Respect can mean a lot of different things. Like for instance, respect can mean regarding someone else's beliefs, and not judging them. Respect can mean things like the 'golden rule' you might have learned in elementary school. "Treat others the way you would want to be treated."
Respect can also follow along in a relationship. When you are in a relationship with someone do you respect them? How you can respect your partner is by just being there. Loving them instead of hating. Never pushing them to do anything, like sexual intercourse. Respecting them by doing the golden rule', treat them the way you would want them to treat you. Now that can be twisted, by treating them in a "unpleasant" manner to them. Because how you would want to be treated may not exactly follow along the lines of "normal means".
I believe I have somewhat made my point about respect, but before I end this I wish to conclude this blog with what respect means to me...
What respect means to me.
Finally, what does respect mean to me? Respect to me is important, but it is a very lost art. A lot of people don't know the difference between being respectful/nice and flirting. I'm naturally a nice person. I am kind to everyone and I always try to help, be kind and put a smile on someone's face. It is in my nature to be highly respectful of my peers, elders and all that is around me. It is in my nature to be kind and good. And because of society, because of people confusing respect and niceness with flirtation people think that I am flirting with them quite often, when really I am just being myself, my kind, and respectful self.Don't get me wrong, but because of my highly respectful being I have my own customs you could say that are my showing of respect to others around me. I do a lot of the common showing of respect but I have a few of my own signs that I have yet to meet someone who does the same exact thing that I do. The way I show my respect and the way I show kindness is; When my mother asks me to do something, (although she doesn't like it when I do it I try and explain it to her that I don't mean it in a bad way I mean it with respect.) I always reply to her with a "Yes Ma'am." Or when she tells me something that I need to correct such as redoing something like cleaning I reply with the "Yes Ma'am." Another way I show respect is one I must have picked up from somewhere. And to give a bit of a pre-explanation - I love Japan. And almost every video or movie or something I have watched that involves Japan shows me that they are a very respectful people. However false or true it is I'm not sure, but when passing by someone or being in the way on accident people would respond with a slight bow of the head. That is a similar thing to what I do... Or maybe exact. What I do is a bow of the head, but in different cases. Sometimes when I don't have enough time, or when I don't raise my hand in a 'hello greeting" I will bow my head slightly. And a lot of times I'll do that when in a large crowded area. A few of the other things that I do are when I am walking. I walk mostly to and from school and I leave really early in the morning just so I can avoid traffic. Because of the earliness in the mornings when I walk people are walking or riding their bike due to the good weather. I normally listen to my MP3 when I walk to school to pass time and what not but the moment I see someone coming my way I wait until they are a good maybe about 30 feet away and I pull out my earbuds and put them in my pocket so that when they walk, or ride (or another mean) by I give the respect of basically saying "Hello" and whatever time of day it is, as in "Good morning."
Another custom that I do while walking when I see other people is stepping to the side so they have enough room especially if they are walking a pet or riding something. The same custom follows with my MP3 custom and my custom when I either step to the side or slow my pace to an almost crawl. A thing that I like to do to show kindness is complimenting pet owners as they walk their pet. If the animal is behaving rather well I will compliment the owner by saying "That is a very well trained animal." And even if the animal is behaving poorly I will still compliment them by saying "Your pet is beautiful." Or "Your pet has pretty eyes" Anything along those lines. Something else that I do when walking past pet owners, stopping or slowing down for them is asking if I can pet their animal or if they continue walking with their pet I'll compliment them and not ask to pet them.
Respect is a very big thing to me. In relationships respect is important to me as well. Especially since I've had many relationships where I wasn't respected. I always try my hardest to respect everyone. And I do respect everyone. But once you give me a reason to no longer respect you. I'll still respect you, but in a very different way than I would in general everyone else.
Actually... Before I end this post I have a challenge for you...
The Challenge.
Try and express a form of respect either after you read this, or everyday. Try to express a little kindness as well. No matter what is going on with you in that moment. Try and smile at someone who isn't smiling. Help someone carry something even if they are a complete stranger. Hold open doors for others. Say please and thank you. And if someone says thank you reply with "You're welcome." Shake hands instead of fist bumping someone. That can show professionalness, business like qualities, and respect. If you're in a relationship. Don't make it all about you. Don't force your partner into anything. Compliment your partner with "You look lovely today." or "You look handsome today." Compliment them with something simple like, "You made a great meal last night." Or, "I enjoy spending time with you." The biggest thing you can do to respect your lady is hold a door open for her. Open the car door for her. Help her into the vehicle. Help her out of the vehicle. The biggest thing you can do to respect your man is let him have some time to himself. Don't whine over things. Don't think that every female he talks to he is cheating on you with. The biggest thing you can do to respect each other is, not force each other to do anything. DEFINITELY not forcing each other into having sex or intercourse. Letting one and other have space. You both have friends and family. Don't make your partner take up all your time when it takes your time up for family and friends. Or even better (at times) alone time. You'll be respecting yourselves, your partner, your friends and your families.
Challenge yourself to be more respectful, or challenge yourself to show a sign of respect and kindness daily. I'd love to hear what you have done to show kindness and respect. Please comment.
With all that being said, respect is a good thing to show. Please leave a comment or share this with others. Or respect me (haha. I'm joking with respecting me part.) by following me or helping me gain followers. You don't have to obviously. :-) But feel free to leave a comment and share with me your thoughts. I want to read what you think. Do you agree or disagree? Did you do the challenge or challenge someone else to it? What are your customs of respect and kindness?
Until I post again. Have a wonderful day!
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